The same week Jen Jen was here, that weekend, I went camping with my rommates. (Ashley & Tracy)...Well it was actually a Ward campout but we all shared a tent. We went up Hobble Creek--it's such a Beautiful site to behold--soo peaceful and just breathtakingly gorgeous. We made some dinner, our Bishop gave a Spiritual thought, sat around a campfire mingling & talking, roasted some Marshmallows and just enjoyed the Outdoors. It was such a BLAST--especially the part where we got to pee in porter potties...that was my favorite part. ;) Haha, no sharing a tent was seriously my favorite part. I love my roommates...we have so much fun together. We laugh, act goofy and tell all!! One of the Counselors in the Bishopric, Bro. Miller, cooked delicious breakfast burritos the next Morning and by 11ish we were home.
I really love to camp despite my fear of bugs and animals...which don't even worry, on the way to the campsite i rode with Ashley and a guy from my ward, Braden, who thought it was cool to mention that there are Rattle Snakes and Bears in the area we were camping. OH MY!! My nerves were on fire--I was so stressed out...I kept looking around me all nite and whenever i held the flashlight i just kept pointing it every which way to make sure there were no Snakes and Bears coming to eat us...but, i'm happy to report, no such event took place. :) Although, Ashley said she woke up in the middle of the nite and heard something rattling and moving around our tent...GOOD THING I DIDN'T WAKE UP!! Haha.