We were all staying with Ben & Joy, including me...i slept over too so i wouldn't miss a thing :), therefore i felt inclined to offer to cook dinner one nite so that Joy wasn't always feeding us, just wanted to be helpful.
I decided to make a recipe out of my roommates cookbook, Simply Asian: Walnut Chicken. One of the ingredients the recipe called for was Red Wine Vinegar. I went to store after store to find it and could not. Turns out it's one of those ingredients you can't find at a grocery story--it's more of a health food store or little town Market Shop item. I asked my roommate Blythe where she got it, as she had made it before, and she told me about this Mom & Pop Shop in Provo called Many Lands Market. And she was not kidding either, it's totally a Mom & Pop Shop. I walk in and it looks like a run down warehouse with windows and tons of cooking spices...it's sketchy looking. I can't lie. Anyway, I was in a hurry so rather than search for it i headed to the back of the store where i heard voices. I found the owner, speaking with someone, and waited patiently till he was done talking. And then, without hesitation or even thinking about it he looks at me and says, "Usted tiene preguntas??" WHAT!! Gosh my face, he totally just ASSUMED i was Mexican!! I wanted to burst, but i didn't--you proud Mom??--instead i answered him in English and said, "Yes. I was looking for Red Wine Vinegar, do you have any??" He then proceeds to say, "Oh, oh you're English, ok. I didn't take you for being American." He leads me to it and on the way to the register he says, "Have you ever had someone do that to you?? Just start talking to you in another Language?? I get people all the time who think i'm Sweedish." Which, he looked nothing like...pretty sure he just felt dumb at this point and was trying to cover his tracks. Haha, i did sick it to him though. After he rung me up he thanked me and in Spanish i answered, "No thank you. Have a great day." Poor guy, he was soo confused...and then i told him what i said in English as i was walking out. I had to have a little fun, hopefully he learned his lesson. THE THING IS PEOPLE, if you don't know someone's nationality, DON'T EVER ASSUME!! Just ask...chances are they're more than willing, almost excited to share. Better yet, ask with a complement.
EX:// "Wow, you have such beautiful skin. What's your background??" or "You have such beautiful features, what nationality are you??"
If you do assume, chances are you're WAY off and you've offended the person and made yourself look like a moron.
Tina101 is now officially over, for now anyway...stay tuned for more in the future...Thank you for playing. :)
P.S. See there Ben & Joy--I earned my delicious dessert last nite!!